グアム鎮魂社夏季例祭 第十一回 2023年

鎮魂社例祭 第十一回 2023年(令和五年)
式典は靖国神社権宮司村田信昌斎主、小國紘平主典によって執り行われました。ブレッシングは昨年に引き続きマックグロス(Father Tom McGrath, S)神父が行い、また併せて前日には聖母観音像建立に際して開眼供養があり、当日は参加者による除幕式と小野剛賢高野山真言宗薬師院法主による開眼法要が行われました。
式典には日本から衆議院議員自民党の杉田水脈氏、グアム副知事ジョッシュ・テノリオ(Joshua Tenorio)、議会副議長セネターティナ・ムナバーン(Tina R.Muna Barnes)、セネターアマンダ・シェルトン(Amanda L. Shelton)他、メイヤーや台湾経済文化事業の副領事黄氏、所長陳氏、日本国副総領事尾形氏らが駆けつけ、参加者にはマリアナ海戦時に参加していた零戦パイロットの孫東英仁氏、米軍からは海軍、空軍の中佐クラス数名が参加し、サバイバーといわれる戦前産まれのジョセフ・カルボ氏も昨年に引き続いて参加し洋の東西を問わない賑やかな祭典になりました。
Our heroes are pleased.
Thank you very much for joining us today for the Guam Requiem Ceremony that we are hosting.This year, as in the past, we were able to hold the annual festival with the cooperation of local support groups, Japanese volunteers, teachers of the Japanese school, and Yasukuni Shrine. This year will be the 11th time.
Every year, we, "Let's not the war fade away", hold a memorial service for the war dead
in the Pacific Islands, mainly Guam. We have nothing to do with politics or religion, and our sole purpose is to remember the sacrificial spirit of the war dead and to show our gratitude for their sacrifice.
Now, when I saw that the shrine was destroyed by a super typhoon that hit Guam last May, I was at a loss. The reason is that the energy and funds to rebuild were no longer available at the time of the founding of the temple.
Mr. Gil Shinohara, who serves as president of the Shrine's Supporting Committee, sensed this sentiment and offered to help us rebuild using his relatives from a hospital in Manila. At the same time, the vice president, Mr. Frank Shimizu Jr. offered to help as well. Many people from Japan, including the Yasukuni Shrine, offered to donate money. The reconstruction of the shrine was made possible through the efforts of all those who lent their
support. I would especially like to thank Mr. Shinohara's son Gil III, Brian, Joseph, Joe, and his nephew Mark, and the others who worked every day in the intense heat.
Now, Less than five months later, the rebuilt shrine looks much brighter than before.
This radiance is an expression of our gratitude to the heroes who sacrificed their lives to protect our country in that era. And it is the heroes who are most grateful. I feel that
they are grateful to us.
Let us not forget that there were people who risked their lives for their country and for us through the war, and let us not forget the sacrificial spirit of these heroes and pass their aspirations on to future generations so that they will not fade away.
Si Yu'os Ma'åse
Ken Haga
Representative of the Association to Keep the War from Fading Away
Advisor, Guam Requiem Society