パシフィック デイリー ニュース Pacific Daily News 2019年7月7日

式典にはおよそ40名以上の人が参会し、その中にジュシュ・テノリオ副知事、ルイズムナ・ケリーマラシュ、アマンダ・シッェルトンなどのセネターと、日本からの来島者、それに神職が含まれている。 グアム鎮魂社はリカルド・J・ボダリオ 知事庁舎内にある。

Ceremony honors thousands who died during war, promotes peace
Jasmine Stole Weiss, Pacific Daily News
The Guam Chinkon Shrine that sits seaside at Adelup has a small structure that looks like a house, sitting atop a sturdy brick pillar. Inside the structure is a small mirror.
When the shrine was blessed, high priests invited all the souls who died during World War II into the mirror, said Eugene Camacho.
“To come together as one,” Camacho said. “(The mirror) is a very sacred piece.”
Camacho, general manager of U.S. Explore & Study Inc., helped organize the Fuka Sasena No Kai’s 7th Guam World War II Peace Memorial Service held Saturday. This year commemorates the second anniversary of the putting up of the Guam Chinkon Shrine. “Chinkon” means Sea of Souls, Camacho said.
The ceremony was a refined blend of different cultures and mutual respect. It opened with traditional Chamoru chant, followed by the singing of the national anthems of Japan and America and "The Guam Hymn."
Japanese high priests then led a Shinto ritual prayer, followed by a traditional Japanese dance performance called Bugaku. Then, attendees individually placed white chrysanthemums at the shrine.
What we do every year... is pray for those that served in the military whether it’s Japan, U.S. or also our locals who passed away in World War II ,” Camacho said. “All those souls that passed are invited to join together in peace and unity.”
At the same time, the ceremony serves to promote continued peace among the countries and their people, according to Camacho.
About 40 people attended, including Lt. Gov. Joshua Tenorio, Sens. Louise Muña, Kelly Marsh and Amanda Shelton. Dignitaries from Japan also were present.
Visit the Guam Chinkon Shrine at the Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor’s Complex at Adelup.
CHamoru cultural group, Guam Irensian Taotao Tano, performs a blessing during the 7th Guam World War II Peace Memorial Service celebrated at the Guam Chinkon Shrine at Adelup on Saturday, July 6, 2019. The requiem ceremony was held for the reposing of the souls who fell victim during WWII, said Eugene Camacho with the Fukasasenai-Kai organization. (Photo: Rick Cruz/PDN)
Performer Chihiro Mita dances Shinto priests preside over a 7th Guam World War II Peace Memorial Service celebrated at the Guam Chinkon Shrine at Adelup on Saturday, July 6, 2019. The requiem ceremony was held for the reposing of the souls who fell victim during WWII, said Eugene Camacho with the Fukasasenai-Kai organization. (Photo: Rick Cruz/PDN)
Shinto priests preside over a 7th Guam World War II Peace Memorial Service celebrated at the Guam Chinkon Shrine at Adelup on Saturday, July 6, 2019. The requiem ceremony was held for the reposing of the souls who fell victim during WWII, said Eugene Camacho with the Fukasasenai-Kai organization. (Photo: Rick Cruz/PDN)